Home Service Covering; Harrogate, Wetherby, Sicklinghall,  Boston Spa, Knaresborough, Killinghall, Ripley, Burnt Yates and neighboring villages - please call to discuss a visit to your area and for further information!

Check out my 'Services' page for information on Onyfix®  the innovative treatment for the relief of ingrowing toenails - 07954 109864

Services & Contact

A word on foot health.

It can't be stressed enough the importance of regular foot care. Our feet need to last us a lifetime. However, as we get older it’s not always easy to give our feet the care and attention they need. Some people have mobility problems, can’t see as well as they used to or just find the whole process time consuming and sometimes overwhelming.

I believe that the time needed is the time it takes, to give you the professional foot care you need, at an affordable price that does not compromise on quality. 

Our medical pedicure treatment addresses the following issues, for an inclusive price of £35.00:

Nail trimming and tidying

Fungal nail Reduction

Callus/Hard skin Reduction


Ingrown Nails

Nail Reconstruction

Aftercare and advice

Some Common Conditions of the Feet


Corns can be extremely painful as they are a cone shaped piece of hard skin, the top of which can press on nerves and deep tissue in the foot causing pain. Corns that appear between the toes are called ‘soft corns’.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections of the toenails usually occur due to a small cut in the skin or a small separation in the toenail and the nail bed. Once present in a toenail, the infection can spread quickly because feet are usually kept in the dark, warm, moist environment of shoes, where fungi can thrive. Fungal infections can also thrive from prolonged exposure to other warm, moist environments such as swimming pools or showers. There is quite often a history of outbreaks of athletes foot which can quite often be present at the same time


Callus is an area of thickened or hardened skin that appears on the feet as a result of repeated friction and pressure on the skin. Callus formation occurs as the foot attempts to prevent painful blisters from forming and to protect itself from the friction and pressure.


Please see below a synopsis of services and their prices followed by a more detailed description of what I can offer, all in the comfort of your own home!  If you have any questions please contact me (07954 109864)

Medical Pedicure (30/45 minutes) £35.00

Basic Manicure/Nail Trimming (10 minutes) £5.00 (please note that this service can only be offered alongside a medical pedicure - total cost £40.00

Onyfix® Nail Correction System (60 to 90 minutes) £75 (including Medical Pedicure)

Medical Pedicure  £35

What is a Medi Pedi and how does it differ from a normal pedicure?

First of all, during consultation, your feet will be assessed to determine any underlying issues that you may not be aware of.  The feet will be sprayed with a cooling anti-bacterial skin spray.  Then a softener is applied to the nails to help loosen any build up of debris around the side walls and under the nail edge.  The nails will be trimmed and in the case of thick nails, filed down.  Any corns or hard calloused skin will be removed or reduced (depending upon severity as too much too soon can sometime leave a client tender and sore).  Finally a moisturising product is applied to the feet, this may be a soothing heel balm or a softening cream which is gently massaged in leaving your feet feeling completely revitalised, like you are walking on clouds!! 

Nail Reconstruction from £25

If your nails have been damaged or you suffer from a crumbling fungal infection, nail reconstruction may be an option.  The nail is filed down and a builder gel applied to the remaining nail to build up and make it look more natural (less crumbly and smoother).  If you are going on holiday or wearing sandals, nail varnish can then be applied.  From £25 

Basic Manicure/Nail Trimming - £5.00

The hands are sprayed with cooling anti-bacteria skin spray.   The free edges of the nails are cleared of any debris, trimmed and filed.

Onyfix® Nail Correction System

I am so very excited to bring to you the The Onyfix® nail correction system. The Onyfix® system is a new and innovative product for the pain-free treatment of involuted, pincer and ingrowing toenails.


What is Onyfix®

Onyfix® is a Class 1 Medical Device that is applied to your nail at its widest part.  As your nail grows, it will retrain your nail back into a natural position and shape. The whole process takes several months to complete but is totally painless during application and while wearing the Onyfix® band. Instant relief can be achieved with Onyfix® without having to resort to nail surgery.  Onyfix® is suitable for adults, children and diabetics.


Further information

So many people suffer with ingrowing or pincer toenails which can cause discomfort and sometimes even agonising pain!  Onyfix®  has been developed as an alternative to surgery. A band is applied to the proximal nail fold (close to the cuticle area) and cured using an LED blue light. The band is extremely hard with no flexibility at all (unlike other light cured materials) and has been designed to hold its position on the nail until it grows out, keeping the nail straight. In circumstances where the nail is starting to dig into the side walls or curl inwards (pinching and digging into the skin) a further half band can be attached to lift the nail and keep it away from the soft tissue that surrounds the nail. The second band, placed at the distal edge of the nail, can bring instant relief, working with the proximal band to correct the nail growth.  This really is a simple but very practical and affordable way to give relief to ingrown nails without the need for expensive surgery and avoiding long NHS waiting lists.


Costs:          Medical Pedicure and preparing the nails:     £35.00

                      Full Band (Proximal Band):                                 £40.00

                      Half Band (Distal Edge):                                      £20.00


(please note that the half band is in addition to the full band, to provide instant relief to the side wall if needed).

Podiatrist/Chiropodist or Foot Health Practitioner

So, you need help with your feet but what type of foot health specialist is right for you? One of the most common questions I get asked is about the difference between an FHP and a Podiatrist? So I have detailed below my own understanding and hope that helps you with your choice of foot health professional:

Registered Foot Health Practitioner

A Registered Foot Health Practitioner is qualified to carry out routine foot care treatments. Their services include cutting and filing toenails, removing corns and callus, preventing and treating fungal nail infections and carrying out general check-ups on feet.

In addition, practitioners provide foot care services to individuals with diabetes by assessing their feet for any changes in condition. Diabetes may cause nerve damage that takes away the feeling in your feet. Diabetes may also reduce blood flow to the feet, making it harder to heal an injury or resist infection. Because of these problems, you may not notice a foreign object in your shoe, or when you have stepped on something sharp. As a result, you could develop a blister or a sore. This could lead to an infection or a nonhealing wound that could put you at serious risk. Having your feet checked regularly is an absolute necessity, especially if you are unable to do so yourself. Although a Foot Health Practitioner is not qualified to treat a diabetic lesion of the foot, they will refer you on to a medical professional (such as your GP) to ensure you get the appropriate treatment.


Very briefly, a Podiatrist or Chiropodist specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of long term foot, ankle and lower leg conditions.

They aim to prevent and correct deformities of the feet and lower legs by using orthotics and to offer advice on the correct style of footwear for a client’s feet. If you are suffering from problems with ligaments, tendons and bones or if you are experiencing consistent pain within your feet or lower legs, then an appointment with a Podiatrist is advisable. They are also where you should go for laser treatment to heavily infected fungal nails and minor surgeries (such as ingrowing toe nails that cannot be treated without local anaesthesia). As well as their specialist expertise, they cover all the treatment that are provided by a Foot Health Practitioner.

Contact details

Call us

07954 109864

Find us

24 Oakwood, Rudding Park Rudding Lane, HARROGATE, HG3 1JH
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